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Selectmen's Minutes - April 2, 1991
April 2, 1991      Present:  William P. Dynan, Chairman
                            Judith A. Murdoch
                            Pamela A. Fasci
                            Robert M. Crowley

Wage and Personnel Hearing Held

Convened at 7:30 by Board of Selectmen

Water Department, Robert Andrews and Donald Morway made presentation for acceptance of new position called Water Administrator.  Discussed duties, title of job, and need for administrative staff running the office and interacting with the State, interpreting regulations, working with the public, etc..  Discussed number of employees at the Water Dept.  Currently 4 full time and 28 hour secretary.  Also discussed their proposed budget which calls for increase of those positions by adding one full time worker and new administrator as well as part time help during season.  Mrs. Murdoch felt, with Fasci concurring, that at this time there was not a need for this type administrator.  Mrs. Murdoch stated they should look to reduce the Water Superintendent and have his act as foreman if not capable of doing these type of things now because that was her understanding of his position.  Mrs. Fasci felt that Water Study Committee still not completed and the increase in staff as well as the increase in the budget seemed a little premature.  Mr. Crowley concurred.  Mr. Crowley moved, 2nd Fasci, to take no action on the request.  4-0.

2nd issue was an amendment to the bylaw which would exclude from Wage and Personnel those positions listed in connection with the Water Dept. ie Water Superintendent and Water Administrator if accepted.  Board questioned deviating from what always had been procedure in the Town prior to any report from the Study Committee.  Motion Fasci not to support amendment as proposed, 2nd Murdoch.  4-0 vote.

Exec. Secretary began discussion regarding Wage and Personnel amendment for Call Fire Dept.  Outlined a meeting held with Mrs. Fasci, himself, the Chief, himself and three call men, (Scott Billings, Wayne Carroll and Ed Reed) at which time proposals were discussed re amendments to rate structure for Call Department.  Alluded to concerns re insurance expressed by Call Association.  That part of discussion being handled through Selectmen and with the insurance bid proposal in the middle of April.  Huska discussed the specifics of rate structure changes which included analysis of surrounding Towns, also proposal for the Call Firefighters.  As a result of meeting previously mentioned, presented a compromise monetary schedule which basically addressed Call Firefighters and Call EMT's, tours of duty, rates for training, stipend for EMT certification and hourly rate for details.  Mrs. Murdoch moved, 2nd Crowley to support submission of Call Firefighter pay schedule.  Vote 3-0-1, Fasci abstaining.

Brief discussion from Mr. Currie, Chairman, Fin. Com. relative to setting a maximum salary level for those Wage and Personnel employees who fell under Section 12, Sec. 12A.  After some discussion amongst Board and input from the audience, Board felt general intent that barring drastic cuts from those salaries proposed, that those persons would continue to work full time which was the concern of the Fin. Com.

Issue of lack of proper notification to employees regarding this issue was brought to the floor and acknowledged by the Board.  Also mentioned was court case re recent Rockland ruling.  Moved by Crowley, 2nd Murdoch to take no action.  4-0.

Mrs. Fasci moved, 2nd Crowley, to close Wage and Personnel hearing at 8:45 p.m.  4-0.

Recreation Commission made brief presentation explaining to Board the completion of Camp Kiwanee, Cranberry Cove feasibility study which outlined not only physical parts of Camp area, but will serve as planning guide lines for uses and also maintenance guide.  Presentation made by Wes Blaus and Mary Puleio.  Thanked Board and offered appreciation to those people who worked on grant as well as those that wrote grant specifications - Noreen O'Toole, Town Planner, Judy Collins, Joseph Nugent, and planning group that provided study services through the Arts Lottery.

Board approved request from Friends of the Pound for bottle and can drive, April 27, 1991 during regular disposal area hours.  Mrs. Fasci moved, 2nd Murdoch, 4-0 vote.  

Board voted on motion by Murdoch, 2nd Crowley to place on the ballot for the May 18, 1991 Town Election for capital outlay expenditure exclusion question for replacement of heating plant at the Indian Head School in the amount of $130,000.  4-0 vote.  Noted that the cost of the project with reflect .23 per 1000 on tax rate for one year.

Exec. Secretary reported in length on Snow Street finding delivered to Town which stated Alan Dias was found in contempt of court order for using Snow St.  Judgement stated he was subject to $100 fine per commercial vehicle that can be identified by neighbors or police travelling on Snow St.  Our attorney will report back to court within two weeks.  Nugent stated Police Dept. has been notified verbally and has a copy of the decision.  A letter will follow this meeting.  Mr. Nugent stated that citizens in the area had contributed immensely to the victory.  Mr. Dias is pursuing an alternative method to his property.  It was raised by Robert Andrews that Dias may still end up using or creating a roadway on property in the Town, further down on the Halifax line.  Board asked Town Planner to check into this.

Discussion regarding letter from the District Attorney's Office re open meeting violation as alleged by former Selectman Mark Vess.  DA's letter requests copies of minutes both public and executive as well as an answer to the allegation from the Board.  Board members re-iterated the position that they felt conducting open meeting law re contract negotiations and legal issues surrounding them was proper.

Noted a letter submitted by Kathleen Ellis, Union Steward, that asked Board to readjust budget figures based on March Town Meeting which increased clerical line by adding 14 hours (payroll benefits clerk) and 28 hours for Water Dept. Secretary.  Board concurred and instructed Mr. Nugent to amend budget.

Board addressed briefly letter from Police Chief regarding request from Mrs. Fasci several weeks prior for him to outline his plan in writing for maintaining cost control and managing Police Dept. within the budget as amended in March Town Meeting.  Board has told Mr. Nugent they would like Chief present next Tuesday for a meeting to discuss in detail.

Carol McCormack, Treasurer/Collector, discussed with the State detail re the Cherry Sheet item whereby Towns would pay portion of teacher retirement.  Hanson's would be approximately $34,000.  She is looking into issue and will report back.

Mrs. Fasci moved, 2nd Murdoch, voted 4-0 to adjourn at 9:55.

William P. Dynan
Chairman & Clerk